
Volunteer signup shifts will be available in February! Follow us on social media for the latest updates. 

Want to join the planning committee? Email Powell@LeMoyne.org for more info.

Calling 2024 Volunteers! 

Looking for volunteers to help on April 16, 19, 20, and 21, 2024

The 24th Annual Chain of Parks Art Festival will be April 20 & 21 and is North Florida’s premier outdoor fine art festival. Located in downtown Tallahassee along Park Avenue, the festival provides an opportunity for art lovers and artists to connect over the weekend.

The Festival would not be the success it is without the many volunteers who share their talents, their time, and their passion for arts in our community. Thank you, volunteers! 

Sign up to volunteer for just a few hours or every day – either way, join the group of dedicated volunteers who often return each year because it’s rewarding and fun! Your help will make all of the difference.

Encourage your friends to sign up for the same shift so you have a buddy to share this experience with (we especially need help on Sunday).

Things to know:

  • Most of the shifts are easy and allow for downtime to enjoy the festival!
  • Shifts can be flexible for special circumstances if arranged ahead of time. If you can’t do a full shift, that’s OK, just let powell@lemoyne.org know.
  • We can sign off on Bright Futures volunteer hours – we love high school volunteers! 
  • Volunteers have access to our “Behind the Scenes” area with light refreshments and shade.
  • The Festival is largely run by volunteers like you! Your efforts help us raise vital funds for LeMoyne Arts Foundation’s yearly programming and educational offerings.
  •  If you, or someone you know, is interested in being a super volunteer or committee member, please email powell@lemoyne.org to learn more.

 In appreciation for volunteering at the festival this year, and with help from Capital City Bank, the Festival is providing each volunteer with a Volunteer T-shirt!

Sign up to Volunteer

Volunteer Parking info HERE

Want to get even more involved?? Email chainofparks@lemoyne.org to get started.

Volunteer Spotlight – Jennifer Infinger

Jennifer Infinger, long-time LeMoyne volunteer and former LeMoyne Education
Director, continues to be a major asset to LeMoyne and the Chain of Parks Art
Festival. Jennifer is responsible for the Judging/Awards aspect of the festival.
What might sound like an easy, straightforward job is actually a year-round
position requiring many hours of work. Right after one festival ends, Jennifer
begins recruiting judges for the following festival and her job does not end until
each winner has their award ribbon and check in hand.

Jennifer recruits three expert judges from surrounding areas and pairs them with
three local patron judges who serve as guides during the festival weekend.
Jennifer coordinates with these parties, develops and executes the judging
process, prepares documents, and works throughout the festival weekend to
make sure everything goes off without a hitch. Jennifer is proactive, detail-
oriented, and thorough, and she runs her program independently. Jennifer’s
efforts are a gift to Chain of Parks and LeMoyne, as she does all this great work as
a volunteer! Thank you, Jennifer!

“Tremendous gathering of artistic talent.”

–Fran Webb