Volunteer signup shifts will be available in February! Follow us on social media for the latest updates.
Want to join the planning committee? Email Powell@LeMoyne.org for more info.
Calling 2025 Volunteers!
Looking for volunteers to help on April 22, 25, 26, and 27, 2025
The 25th Annual Chain of Parks Art Festival will be April 26 & 27 and is North Florida’s premier outdoor fine art festival. Located in downtown Tallahassee along Park Avenue, the Festival provides an opportunity for art lovers and artists to connect over the weekend.
The Festival would not be the success it is without the many volunteers who share their talents, their time, and their passion for arts in our community. The Festival is largely run by volunteers like you! Your efforts help us raise vital funds for LeMoyne Arts Foundation’s yearly programming and educational offerings. Thank you, volunteers!
Sign up to volunteer for just a few hours or every day – either way, join the group of dedicated volunteers who often return each year because it’s rewarding and fun! Your help will make all of the difference. Encourage your friends to sign up for the same shift so you have a buddy to share this experience with. If you sign your friends up, make sure to include their email and full name.
Things to know:
- Most of the shifts are easy and allow for downtime to enjoy the Festival! Shifts can be flexible for special circumstances if arranged ahead of time. If you can’t do a full shift, that’s OK, just let powell@lemoyne.org know.
- Student volunteers are welcome! We do ask that students under 16 years old are accompanied by a guardian. We can sign off on Bright Futures volunteer hours at the end their shift.
- Volunteers have access to our “Behind the Scenes” area with light refreshments and shade.
- The Festival uses Signup.com for volunteer shift scheduling and communication, be sure to save your login infomation and check for messages from our Festival Manager in mid-April (be sure to check your junk folder).
- It’s Florida! We recommend you prepare for all types of weather. We are a rain-or-shine festival unless deemed dangerous by the City of Tallahassee. Check @chainofparks on Facebook/ Instagram for the latest news and updates.
- We struggle to get enough volunteers on Sunday, please consider signing up on Sunday if you’re available.
- If you, or someone you know, is interested in being a super volunteer or committee member, please email powell@lemoyne.org to learn more.


Policy Notices & Guidelines

Chalk Art Oasis

The Children’s Park

Entertainment Schedule


What else is happening nearby?

Is there a better time to visit?

What to bring?

Where to Stay in 2025

Will you be open if it’s raining?

Pet Policy